Rules and Regulations

All backdrops must be decorated attractively. A backdrop is a term we use to describe a type of divider between you and adjoining booths.

All tables shall be covered neatly to the floor on all sides.

You must provide an accurate list of merchandise to be in the show, plus 4 photos, 1 of your set-up and 3 of your crafts. A self-addressed stamped envelope must accompany all applications. All items must be juried in and subject to review day of sale. Keepsake Collection reserves the right to make final determination of all conditions. Any unsuitable items will be removed immediately upon request of management. Exhibit spaces are filled in the order applications are received with full payment. This also means when a
category is full, we close it. After unloading, all vehicles must be moved to specified parking lot. Bring your own chairs. None available. No refunds upon acceptance into show. Keepsake Collection, any helpers, any facility event is held at will assume no responsibility for any injury or loss or legal action for any reason to the undersigned, their helpers, or their property. The undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless all above for any and all set claims. If the said premises are destroyed by fire, or if any cause whatever makes it impossible to have the above show, the lease agreement will terminate and the exhibitor waives any claim for damages, including the return of the rental fee. It is the responsibility of the applicant to retain liability insurance valid from setup through take down of the show.

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set of black branches, twigs, flowers and herbs silhouettes